耐气候影响 EUROPLEX Film HC 0F028 良好粘结性 耐气候影响 EUROPLEX Film HC 0F028 良好粘结性 优点:高强度耐化学阻燃抗蠕变耐老化耐气候抗疲劳耐腐蚀耐高温耐氧化 耐候性耐辐射压电性介电性热电性耐磨性抗冲击抗褪色柔韧性低密度低阻抗 电绝缘性抗紫外线**高韧性抗核射线高介电强度高机械强度低摩擦系数 加工性好化学稳定性高压电电压常数 耐气候影响 EUROPLEX Film HC 0F028 良好粘结性 EUROPLEX? Film HC 0F028 is a weather resistant and transparent co-extruded PMMA and PVDF film. It is designed to bring a state of the art UV protection and surface finish for thermoset materials such as High Pressure Laminates. This film shows excellent performance in long term outdoor weathering without the risk of color change or yellowing. The PMMA layer is based on a tailor made PMMA resin that provides excellent chemical adhesion to melamine resin while the PVDF top layer brings a high level of weatherability as well as a very good chemical resistance, anti-soiling, anti-fouling and easy to clean properties including graffiti. Application Due to its very good chemical adhesion to melamine resin combined with its excellent UV and weather resistance, EUROPLEX? Film HC 0F028 is suitable to be used as top layer on panels of exterior grade compact laminates. 介绍: PVDF耐候,抗紫外线及核射线。 PVDF耐热性佳并有高介电强度。 我司还供应以下产品: 供应 PVDF+PMMA EUROPLEX Film HC 0F028 生产商: Evonik Industries AG 供应 PVDF+PMMA EUROPLEX Film HC 0F045 生产商: Evonik Industries AG 供应 PVDF+PMMA EUROPLEX Film HC 0F046 生产商: Evonik Industries AG 供应 PVDF+PMMA EUROPLEX Film HC 0F052 生产商: Evonik Industries AG 供应 PVDF+PMMA EUROPLEX Film HC 99710 生产商: Evonik Industries AG 供应 PVDF+PMMA EUROPLEX Film HC 99716 生产商: Evonik Industries AG 供应 PVDF Generic PVDF 生产商: Generic 供应 PVDF Generic PVDF - Carbon Fiber 生产商: Generic 供应 PVDF INSTRUC PVDFCF15 生产商: Infinity Compounding Corp. 详解: s Blood Status will be in even greater doubt than it is now.” The golden grille before them clattered open. With a nod and unpleasant smile to Harry, who was evidently expected to appreciate this treatment of Cattermole, Yaxley swept away toward another lift. Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered theirs, but nobody followed them: It was as if they were infectious. The grilles shut with a clang and the lift 买家须知 1 因塑胶行情价格波动较大,网上发布的价格仅作参考价格,较终成交价格请务必用QQ客服或电话直接询价确认,避免产生不必要的误会。 2 本公司网上发布的技术参数及产品介绍,仅供客户选取材料时参考,并不作任何商业证明. 3 图片和实物可能因拍摄影响,有细小轻微色差,我们尽较大的努力把色差减到较小(图片仅供参考)均以实物为准,请亲谅解哈 4 因本公司所供产品分为新料(标准料 原厂原包). 5 到货后请买家仔细确认货物完好后再签收,否则非质量问题谢绝退货换货,若有特殊原因需要换货的,换货时请务必保证产品完好,包装,图片和标签完好,未经使用,没有人为损坏,不影响再次销售,否则拒绝退换,亦请在收货后3天内协商并寄出. 运费说明 1本公司报价含运费,买家也可自行安排物流上门提货,也可由本公司安排物流。 2珠三角地区在所定购产品数量少的情况下可发快递,其他各省采用物流方式发货。货物量大时,我方尽量给您安排较便宜的物流,我们承诺期限内发货,但对承运人效率无法作出保证。如果物流快递**出3天,请及时联络我们协助查询。 本公司本着真诚诚信的经营理念与您共创双赢