管道系统 Kureha 阀门/阀门部件 PVDF KF 850 管道系统 Kureha 阀门/阀门部件 PVDF KF 850 优点:高强度耐化学阻燃抗蠕变耐老化耐气候抗疲劳耐腐蚀耐高温耐氧化 耐候性耐辐射压电性介电性热电性耐磨性抗冲击抗褪色柔韧性低密度低阻抗 电绝缘性抗紫外线**高韧性抗核射线高介电强度高机械强度低摩擦系数 加工性好化学稳定性高压电电压常数 管道系统 Kureha 阀门/阀门部件 PVDF KF 850 KF 850 PVDF homopolymer is a low-viscosity PVDF resin typically processed by injection molding. This material offers excellent chemical resistance at ambient and elevated temperatures. PVDF is also inherently UV stable, mechanically tough, abrasion 介绍: PVDF不但有很强的耐磨性和抗冲击性能,而且在较端严酷与恶劣的环境中有很高的抗褪色性与抗紫外线性能。 PVDF是含氟塑料中产量***二位的大产品,**年产能**过5.3万吨 我司还供应以下产品: 供应 PVDF KF 850 生产商: Kureha Corporation 供应 PVDF Mecoline IS RDX 5241 F 生产商: Melos GmbH 供应 PVDF Mecoline IS RDX 5242 F 生产商: Melos GmbH 供应 PVDF UNINAR 1010 生产商: Nytef Plastics, Ltd. 供应 PVDF UNINAR 740 生产商: Nytef Plastics, Ltd. 供应 PVDF RAMLLOY PI300G6 生产商: Polyram Ram-On Industries 供应 PVDF Quadrant EPP Symalit PVDF 1000 生产商: Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products 供应 PVDF Roechling SUSTAPVDF 生产商: Roechling Engineering Plastics (UK) Ltd 供应 PVDF Roechling SUSTAPVDF ESD 60 生产商: Roechling Engineering Plastics (UK) Ltd 供应 PVDF Roechling SUSTAPVDF FG 生产商: Roechling Engineering Plastics (UK) Ltd 详解: Then I wish you to go and fetch your Cloak and meet me in the Entrance Hall in five minutes' time.' Dumbledore turned back to look out of the fiery window; the sun was now a ruby-red glare along the horizon. Harry walked quickly from the office and down the spiral staircase. His mind was oddly clear 温馨提示:因塑料行情波动频繁,网页上的报价可能会与当天实际报价有所差异,请用QQ或电话直接询价。若需要材料详细物性资料及环保证书等,请联系我司工作人员索取。感谢您的配合与支持! 1.支持快递,物流和货运,具体运费根据货量及具体地址而定. 2.若需要邮寄试机样品的,我们可以为您免费提供原料试机。采用快递或货运,运输费用由买家自付。 3.我们承诺期限内发货,但对承运人效率无法作出保证,若物流快递**出3天,货运**出5天,请联络我们协助查询。 买家也可以根据交易状态中填写的单号信息,自行联系承运方,以便**时间获知详细信息。 4.收到原料后,请不要急于拆除外包装,应先仔细检查塑胶原料的外包装是否完好及原料型号是否与您所订购原料型号相匹配.