原包3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 原包3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 原包3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 原包3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 原包3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 优点:高强度耐化学阻燃抗蠕变耐老化耐气候抗疲劳耐腐蚀耐高温耐氧化耐候性耐辐射压电性介电性热电性耐磨性抗冲击抗褪色 柔韧性低密度低阻抗电绝缘性抗紫外线**高韧性抗核射线高介电强度高机械强度低摩擦系数加工性好化学稳定性高压电电压常数 原包3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 介绍: PVDF:Poly(vinylidene fluoride),英文缩写PVDF,主要是指偏氟乙烯均聚物或者偏氟乙烯与其他少量含氟乙烯基单体的共聚物. PVDF兼具氟树脂和通用树脂的特性,除具有良好的耐化学腐蚀性、耐高温性、耐氧化性、耐候性、耐射线辐射性能. PVDF具有压电性、介电性、热电性等特殊性能,是含氟塑料中产量***二位的大产品,**年产能**过5.3万吨. 我司还供应以下产品: 供应 PVDF 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 11008/0001 生产商: 3M Advanced Materials Division 供应 PVDF 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 生产商: 3M Advanced Materials Division 供应 PVDF 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0009 生产商: 3M Advanced Materials Division 供应 PVDF 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 32008/0009 生产商: 3M Advanced Materials Division 供应 PVDF 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 6008/0001 生产商: 3M Advanced Materials Division 供应 PVDF 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 6010/0000 生产商: 3M Advanced Materials Division 供应 PVDF 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 6012/0000 生产商: 3M Advanced Materials Division 供应 PVDF Solef 3108/0903 生产商: A. Schulman Europe 供应 PVDF Solef 3208/0150 生产商: A. Schulman Europe 供应 PVDF Solef 8808/0902 生产商: A. Schulman Europe 详解: observing the fresh arrivals, while nothing is heard but the noise of opening and shutting doors, and the buzz of conversation. "Surely," said Albert, as the door of a box on the first circle opened, "that must be the Countess G----." "And who is the Countess G---- ?" inquired Chateau-Renaud. "What a question! Now, do you know, baron, I have a great mind to pick a quarrel with you for asking it; as if all the world did not know who the Countess G---- was." "Ah, to be sure," replied Chateau-Renaud; "the lovely Venetian, is it not?" "Herself." At this moment the countess perceived Albert